Distance from the sea (m) | 500 |
Facade street |
View |
Noise |
Building |
Enclosure |
Building existence |
Zone |
Building(s.m.) | 3000 |
Depth | 100 |
Position |
Building width | 120 |
Building permission |
Good condition |
Number of facades |
Slope |
Urban condition |
Drilling |
Building height | 10 |
Structure factor | 0.3 |
Cover factor | 0.4 |
Amphitheater estate very close to 500m to the famous sandy beach of Amyti, builds 3000 sqm for tourist exploitation or 400 sqm for home, consideration is given. In the green plain are located many more businesses as well as in the two villages of Galini and Eggaron. It can also be exploited - invested with photovoltaics as its perspective is east.