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Sale, Commercial, Store


Property ID: 434241

2.500.000 €

or with mortgage loan €/MONTH
4.167 € / m2

Date Modified: 03/06/2024

Floor No
0 (Ground Floor)
600 m2
Built Year


Ground Floor Property for Sale for Commercial Use in the Square of Kalamata A ground floor property ideal for commercial use is available for sale in the central square of Kalamata. The property features: Large Window Display: Excellent visibility for your products or services, ensuring maximum exposure and customer attraction. Huge Basement: Ideal for storage or additional workspace. Frontage on a Main Road: Strategic location with high traffic, offering easy access and great visibility. Don't miss this unique opportunity to acquire a property in one of the busiest areas of Kalamata. For more information and to schedule a visit, contact us today.

Years of Operation 11
Input Height (cm) 2
Floor Strength kg/m2 1000
  • Yes
  • Big
  • In House
Storehouse (s.m.) 330
  • Yes
  • Tile
  • Laminate
Area configuration
  • Studio
Double glazing
  • No
  • Εσωτερική Σκάλα
  • Aeration
  • Cooling - Heating
  • Wires
  • Fire safety
  • Alarm
  • Central Air Condition
Property status
  • New
  • No
Input Width (cm) 1.60
Previous use
  • Healthcare
Fire detection
  • Yes
Fire extinguishment
  • Yes
Loading and unloading ramps 3
  • Yes
Type Power
  • Three-phase
Natural Gas
  • No
Beneficial Height 7
Label Capability
  • Yes
  • Υψήλη
  • Angular
Lawn 70
  • Άμεση
  • Bus
Display Window (cm) 9
Security building
  • No
Use Area
  • General
  • Commercial
Intangible Value 500000
Property Type
  • Αυτόνομο Κτίριο
  • Κατάστημα
Type of Construction
  • Metallic
Energy Class
  • Under issuance
Plans - Contracts
  • Contract
  • Floor plans
  • Regulation
  • Surveying
  • license
  • Current Operating License

Loan Calculation.

Loan Amount *Ελάχιστο ποσό δανείου 10.000€ Ονομαστικό Επιτόκιο: (συν 0.12% ΕΙΣΦ Ν.128)
Loan Interest
Loan Repayment Period
Installment Amount

Repayment Amount
Interest Amount 3,12%
The final interest rate is determined based on the mortgage scheme and the borrower's profile in consultation with the special advisor.
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Sale, Commercial, Store

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