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Sale, Commercial, Office


Property ID: 447960

100.000 €

or with mortgage loan €/MONTH
2.000 € / m2

Date Modified: 28/09/2024

Floor No
0 (Ground Floor)
50 m2
Built Year


A Commercial property being consisted of 50 sq.m. ground floor and 20 sq.m. loft built with concrete slab, total useful area 70 sq.m. and a useful height of 6 m. The ground floor is divided by plasterboard which is easily removed in order to unify the space. On the back wall of the loft there is a window and on the ground floor a large WC divided into a separate toilet area with a window and a separate sink area. The property is frontage and is located in an ideal spot very close to Syngrou Avenue, very close to the big open public park of Stavros Niarchos Cultural Foundation and opposite the areaas of Paleo Faliro and Nea Smyrni. Many bus lines pass by and the tram is not far away on foot. Ideal space for a variety of uses with the sole exception of funeral home which is prohibited by the building regulation.

Years of Operation 45
Input Height (cm) 200
Floor Strength kg/m2 250
  • In House
  • No
  • Marble
Area configuration
  • Studio
Double glazing
  • Yes
  • Without Heating
Property status
  • Good
Input Width (cm) 150
Previous use
  • Office
Fire detection
  • No
Fire extinguishment
  • No
  • No
Type Power
  • Three-phase
Natural Gas
  • No
Equipment Value 1
Storehouse (s.m.) 25
  • Εσωτερική Σκάλα
  • Suspended ceilings
Beneficial Height 6
Label Capability
  • Yes
  • From side to side
  • Facade
  • No
  • Good
  • Bus
  • Tram
Security building
  • No
Use Area
  • General
  • Commercial
Property Type
  • Κατάστημα
  • Υγειονομικής Χρήσης
  • Gym
  • Χοροδιδασκαλείο(Πολεμικές Τέχνες)
  • Ζαχαροπλαστείο
  • Εμπορικό Retail
  • Εκπαιδευτήριο(Φροντιστήριο -Ωδείο)
  • Γραφείο
  • Κατοικία
Type of Construction
  • Conventional
Energy Class
  • Under issuance
Plans - Contracts
  • Contract
Intangible Value 1

Loan Calculation.

Loan Amount *Ελάχιστο ποσό δανείου 10.000€ Ονομαστικό Επιτόκιο: (συν 0.12% ΕΙΣΦ Ν.128)
Loan Interest
Loan Repayment Period
Installment Amount

Repayment Amount
Interest Amount 3,12%
The final interest rate is determined based on the mortgage scheme and the borrower's profile in consultation with the special advisor.
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Sale, Commercial, Office

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