Distance from the sea (m) | 500 |
Depth | 19.80 |
Zone |
View |
Position |
Noise |
Building width | 25.45 |
Building |
Enclosure |
Facade street |
Transportation |
Building existence |
Building(s.m.) | 300 |
Building permission |
Good condition |
Building height | 8.60 |
Number of facades |
Drilling |
Slope |
Benefits |
Urban condition |
Structure factor | 0.6 |
Cover factor | 40 |
N. MAKRI Center. Plot of 500 sq.m. level, even & buildable, within SD plan. 0.6 SC.40%. Frontage 25.5m. Depth 20m. at a distance of 500 m. from the sea very close to the city center.